Category: Setting Info

  • Nimbus Map With GIS

    I’m trying out a new way of doing the map for Nimbus using Azgaar’s Fantasy Map Generator, QGIS, and Mapbox. Results are below, but unfinished so far. World Map

  • Arcane Arts of Nimbus

    Principles of Nimbic Energy In Nimbus, magic is the art of harvesting, binding, and manipulating nimbic energy, which comes in a variety of different types. Most commonly found is the energy of the four major powers: light, earth, fire, and shadow. Energy is a physical substance that permeates objects, like water in a sponge. It…

  • Nimbus Continents and Cultures

    Nimbus Continents and Cultures

    The world of Nimbus has six continents, each with its own cultures, although the culture of the Empire of Light pervades the entire world. Tatekami The continent of Tatekami is the center of the empire and the only place where the emperor has real power. The Imperialists who live here carefully follow the philosophy of…

  • The Empire of Light

    In the Empire of Light in the world of Nimbus, the emperor is both the head of government and the head of the church, as the symbolic husband of the chief goddess Tatekami. He runs the empire by means of various ministers and officials selected by examination. The kingdoms that make up the empire have…

  • Major Powers

    In the world of Nimbus, there are four major powers: Earth, Fire, Light, and Shadow, as well as a number of minor powers. Each of these powers is led by an archon who serves in distributing the power and judges those in its service. Light The motto of light is “walk the path of the…

  • Nimbus Map

    Click in the world map below to zoom in on a continent or region. Use the back button in the upper left corner of the map to return to wider zooms. At the region level, the map shows cities and large towns and local geography. At higher levels, only region names and large pieces of…

  • Nimbus


    Nimbus is a world of power, cast in shadow. The world is defined by the conflict between the major powers: Light, Shadow, Earth, and Fire. Mortals try to eke out a living amidst the conflict by means good or ill, with only the gods of the Pantheon of Light showing any interest in protecting them.…